About Us
Sean Mooney started Mad Moon Rackets in 2002. He spent two years writing, editing, commissioning illustrators, and finally publishing his first game in 2004.
Made Men – Welcome to the Family, a Tabletop Roleplaying Game, did a few small print runs, was featured at the last Gen Con So Cal, and then in Gen Con Indy in 2005.
Attention shifted to writing One Shot Larps after the fact, and Tomorrow Dies Today was born. TDT was written and playtested several times as more of a side fun venture, but then was put on the back burner.
Sean also began writing Touched, with a mantra of “2K a day!” to get a manuscript fully written. After putting 135K words to paper, the manuscript did what many others do and gathered electronic dust.
With life getting busier, creative projects got pushed to the side.
The mantra of 'I'll do it later' was constant, but upon turning 35, Sean realized 'later' was 'now'.
Mad Moon Rackets was revived, then rebranded as Mooney Bin Entertainment. Sean is actively writing, with several new projects on the horizon. It is Sean's mission through Mooney Bin Entertainment to entertain its readers/players.
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Got Somewhere You Want To Go?
1920's Mafia TT RPG

A One Shot Supervillain Parlor Larp