Daemon Larp
“Daemon” is a collaborative, vintage style steampunk’ish larp that focuses on the connection between a human and their manifested inner self or soul – the Daemon.
The core vision for this larp is experiencing how it is to play the same character as someone else and be in symbiosis with them. You don’t sign up in pairs to be family, lovers or anything of the sort – but two parts of the same being.
“He is more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same”
– Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights
Practical Info
Dates: September 2025
Event 1: Friday the 26th of September 2025 at noon to Sunday the 28th of September at 11.00
Event 2: Monday the 29th of September 2025 at Noon to Wednesday the 1st of October at 11:00 am
Location: Jefferson, Colorado.
Sign-up: Open from 20th of October to the 10th of November 2024.
Ticket Includes: Entry to one Event, lodging, and food. Transportation is being negotiated, but it is our goal to have busses to and from the airport.
Price Per Player: $800 (Event 1) or $750 (Event 2). Non-Refundable Deposit of $250 due by November 17th so we can lock down the site. Selection will be a combination of lottery and hand selection
Contact Us
Reach out to the Mooney's with questions. We'll connect you with Katrine if necessary
Email: MooneyBinEntertainment@gmail.com
Discord: Join here
LARP Runners: Katrine Wind (Designer) & Alexander Bakkensen
Producers: The Mooneys (Sean and Aj)

Story and Setting
The larp is set in a world inspired by the trilogy of novels “His Dark Materials” by Phillip Pullman. The setting for the larp is a free interpretation of what could happen after the author’s trilogy ended and the storylines in the material is not important to this larp, so mostly it is the human-Daemon connection that is the important concept to understand.
“Daemon” is designed to be an experience where you don’t need to remember an abundance of historial or setting material to participate – all relevant information and background can be found on this website – so no need to know the details of the original novels. The larp itself is all about the emotional connections between humans, their daemons and their peers. You will sign up in pairs where one plays the human and the other their Daemon.
The themes of the larp are free will, desires, existentialism, human connection, the meaning of (what the church described as) “loss of innocence”, disillusionment, morality and the nature of the human soul
Is this for me?
Make sure that this an event for you. Follow the link for an alignment of expectations and safety.
The Site
The site (assuming we don't acquire and switch to LARP Land) has 9 bedrooms and 30 beds. You can see more here.