Dates and Tickets
Event Dates - September 2025
Event 1 - 9/26/25 - 9/28/25
Event 2 - 9/28/25 - 9/30/25
Signup Window -
Ticket Cost - $800/$750 for Event 1/2, including a $250 down payment
Refund Policy - Down payment is not refundable. Remainder of cost will be refunded if we are able to sell your ticket to another player.
Contact Info
Discord Server (Game and Waitlist)
Game Facebook Page
Game Facebook Waitlist
LARP Logistics - Sean Mooney
Email -
Discord - mooneybinentertainment
LARP Runner - Katrine Wind
Please contact Sean Mooney with questions!
Email -
Discord - katrinewind
Player Requirements
Age: 18+
​Number of Players: 28
Game Location, Travel, Food, and Lodging
Closest Airport - Denver International Airport
Transportation to Site - We are negotiating transportation from DIA to the site via bus, however we cannot guarantee this. The site will be an hour away from the airport.
Site Address - Jefferson, Colorado
Note, if 'LARP Land' is purchased, the site will likely switch to that site.
Lodging - Lodging will be provided as part of the experience. Your application will let you denote whether you prefer a bed with your partner, or individual sleeping arrangements. We will endeavor to see to these preferences as best we can, but it is possible you end up in an individual bed without your partner. Rooms will be shared with other players unless arranged otherwise ahead of time.
Food - Food will be provided as part of the in game experience. Meals will be provided at X times and Y days. Dietary preferences will be taken into account. Dietary restrictions will need to be worked out with staff, and cannot be guaranteed. We will commit one way or another before tickets are purchased, and allow you to make the choice best for you.
Accessibility - There are stairs on site, and no elevator.
Alcohol - We will be serving non-alcoholic drinks. Alcohol can be available in some small amounts during the game.
You can bring your own drinks for during/after the game.
Each participant is responsible for their own behavior, and should not drink to a level where they are noticeably intoxicated during game. We reserve ourselves the right to remove you from the game if we deem you too intoxicated to participate in a safe manner.
The larp is set in a “vintage steampunk” era. That means that both human and Daemon will be dressed in costumes from an ahistorical past that fits the description “vintage steampunk”.
This can entail fashion from the late 19th century to the middle of the 20th century. Feel free to mix and match any clothes, styles, and accessories from these decades for your outfit. This is all about creating the right look and feel that suits your character, rather than recreating any particular era. Think for instance dark academia, light academia, or history bounding.
As far as the steampunk part of the larp is concerned, this applies mainly to the sciences, tech, and gadgets.

You can get inspiration from the pinterest board that Anna Katrine Bønnelycke and Kathrine Dahl have kindly put together. Be advised that it in no way has to as advanced as this.
The Daemon player will additionally wear make-up and costume parts so it’s clear what animal they are representing, but no full animal-makeup or costume is relevant or wanted in this larp. Body language and representation are the most important. The representation can be done with prostheses, make-up, wigs, costume parts like fur, feathers, tails and the like. Avoid any full suits or masks. ​

In Game
You literally can’t move physically far away from your counterpart in the LARP, so if you need to go to the bathroom, they need to be right outside the door. If you need an off game break, they will have to go with you. This means that you really should sign up with someone with whom you are comfortable and have calibrated expectations for the experience. There will be no exceptions during the LARP.
No serious injury or death will occur to any player characters unless the player and their partner choose to in the end of the LARP
Off Game
The Human and Daemon player in a couple are expected to sign up together and will receive the same character sheet as their knowledge and experience is completely transparent – sharing each other’s thoughts has its perks!
We fully acknowledge that it can be daunting to find a partner and maybe even get rejected in the process of asking someone. However, you are encouraged to sign up with a partner without any organizer help.
Schedule of Events
Day One (26th or 29th)
12.00-12.30: Show up, put on your provided name tag and make sure you have eaten your own lunch. No lunch will be provided on Friday.
12.30: Presentation of the setting and room for questions (briefing)
13.00: First part of the workshop without costumes
14:00: Structured time to speak with your relations
15.00: Get afternoon coffee and cake. Dress up and get into costumes. More time to calibrate if you are done with costumes
17:00: Last workshops in costumes
17.30: Act 1. Starting the game together
18.00: Ingame dinner together with everybody
22.00: Memorial ceremony for Lord Edward Blackett
23:00: Public, political debate
Midnight: Game pauses for the night. Please don’t party this night. Take some time to talk to your relations or decompress – whatever you need.
Day 2 (27th or 30th)
08:00-10.00: Offgame breakfast. Time to get into costume again
10.00-11.00: Continued time to put on costume as well as photo options before the game starts
11:00: Act 2. Game starts again with a short talk on how things developed during the night and what everybody needs
13:00: Ingame lunch
15.00:16.30: Offgame break. Taking a rest in your rooms is highly advised
16.30-17.00: Calibration time
17.00: Act 3: Game starts again
18:00: Ingame dinner
22:00: Game ends. Socialize for as long as you like. There is a voluntary debrief for those who want to hosted by the safety person
Day 3 (28th or 1st)
08:00-10.00: Off game breakfast
10.00-11.00: Saying goodbye and and packing your things. You have to be out of the rooms by 11.00.